Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) tells you how the Climate Museum uses personal information collected on our website, (the “Site”). Any person accessing, browsing, or otherwise using the Site, either manually or via an automated device or program, shall be considered a "User." By using the Site, each User consents to the collection, use, and disclosure of personally identifiable User information ("Information") pursuant to the terms set forth below.

Collection of Information

Information you Give Us During your visit to this Site you may initiate a transaction such as a survey, registration, or donation form. We collect Information including names, email addresses and other information required to initiate and complete correspondence and transactions using services or programs available on our Site (including providing requested information and marketing communications), and any other information voluntarily submitted by our Users. Your e-mail address is not collected for commercial purposes and the Climate Museum is not authorized to sell or otherwise disclose your e-mail address for commercial purposes.

The information we collect, including personal Information, volunteered by you in initiating transactions is used by the Climate Museum to operate its programs and complete the requested transactions. The information collected by the Climate Museum may be disclosed to third parties for those purposes that may be reasonably ascertained from the nature and terms of the transaction in connection with which the information was submitted.

We employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include sending postal mail and email, removing repetitive information from visitor lists, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing payments, and providing customer service. These third-party service providers have access to personal information needed to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes.

Automatically Collected Information We may also automatically collect and store anonymous information relating to Users’ browsing patterns, including for example, the User’s browser version, Site referral information, IP address, operating system and other technical Site use information, as well as the date and time you visited the Site, the web pages or services you accessed at this Site, the web pages you visited prior to coming to this Site, and the web pages you visited after leaving this Site.

The information that is collected automatically is used to improve this Site’s content and to help the Climate Museum understand how visitors are interacting with the Site. This information is collected for statistical analysis, to determine what information is of most and least interest to our Users, and to improve the utility of the material available on the Site. The information is not collected for commercial marketing purposes and the Climate Museum is not authorized to sell or otherwise disclose the information collected from the Site for commercial marketing purposes.

Required Disclosure

When required, we may collect or disclose specific Information without User consent upon governmental request, in response to a court order, or when required by law to do so. We may also share Information with companies assisting in fraud protection or investigation.


We may place a text file called a "cookie" in the browser files of your computer. The cookie itself does not contain any Information although it will enable us to relate your use of this Site to information that you have specifically and knowingly provided. A cookie cannot read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. Climate Museum may use cookies to track visitor traffic patterns to the Site, and for session authentication.

Data Security

To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of Information, we have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the Information we collect online. Only authorized employees, agents and contractors (who have agreed to keep Information secure and confidential) have access to this Information. Unfortunately, however, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be secure. As a result, we cannot guarantee or warrant the security of any Information you transmit to or from our Site, and you do so at your own risk. We make no representations or warranties with regard to the sufficiency of our security measures. We expressly disclaim any liability for any actual or consequential damages that result from a lapse in compliance with this Privacy Policy.

Children's Privacy

This Site is not directed toward individuals under 13 years of age and we do not knowingly collect personal Information from anyone under the age of 13. To respect the privacy of children and to comply with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, children under the age of 13 should not provide any personal Information on this Site. We ask that parents supervise their children while online.

Information and Choice

The Climate Museum does not collect any personal Information about you during your visit to this Site unless you provide Information voluntarily by sending an e-mail or initiating an online transaction such as a survey, registration, or donation form. Participation in an online transaction resulting in the disclosure of personal Information to the Climate Museum by the user, whether solicited or unsolicited, constitutes consent to the collection and disclosure of the Information by the Climate Museum for the purposes reasonably ascertainable from the nature and terms of the transaction.

You may choose not to send us an e-mail, respond to a survey, or complete a donation form. While your choice not to participate in these activities may limit your ability to receive specific services or products through this Site, it will not prevent you from requesting services or products from the Climate Museum by other means and will not normally have an impact on your ability to take advantage of other features of the Site, including browsing or downloading most publicly available information.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

As the Site evolves, we may revise this Privacy Policy from time to time. If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post the revised Privacy Policy here. If we make a significant or material change in the way we use your personal Information, registered Users of the Site may be notified via email. Please note that our rights to use your Information will be based on the Privacy Policy in effect at the time the Information is used.

Privacy Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or comments about our Privacy Policy you may contact us using the information below:

By Email 


By Mail    
The Climate Museum
630 Ninth Ave
Suite 1010
New York, NY 10036